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       E.M. Total Video Converter Command Line

How to use E.M. Total Video Converter Command Line SDK

E.M. Total Video Converter Command Line is a powerful console utility for video editing and video conversion between almost all video types and pocket devices include iPad, iPod, iPhone, PSP, AVCHD, DVD, flv, mp4, avi, mp3, aac and etc, it supply you an easy and efficient way to add video processing features such as video editing, encoding, batch conversion, quality control, thumbnail getting, watermarking, subtitling, filtering and etc to your server side application and build your own Youtube like site with the free PHP script we provided on Windows and Linux server(via Wine).

E.M. TVCC Online is a free online video converter based on E.M. Total Video Converter Command Line, it can help you downloading and converting YouTube and other videos online without downloading and using any software, uploading your own video and converting it online. You can also do advanced video editing, batch conversion, quality control and other tasks with CGI or any other server-side scripting language.


How to convert video via command line parameters

This chapter tells you how to use TVCC control the properties of converted Flash Video such as dimension, frame rate, bit rate, etc. via command-line parameters.

Table of Content

Usage of Total Video Converter Command Line SDK

  1. Please make sure you have installed Total Video Converter Command line SDK successfully.

  2. Run the Total Video Converter Command Line Version on CLI (console mode).

  3. Enter the TVCC Command line: TVCC -f inputfile [options] -o outputfile

See the illustration of  below.

E.M. Total Video Converter Command Line SDK, online video converter, Convert video online

The following table is the detailed description of the command line parameters and options.

Command Line Parameters


The full path of the input video file.


The full path of the output .flv file.


Show the usage of Total Video Converter Command line.


Show the version of Total Video Converter Command line.


input files by text file mode. such as: "-ff multifile.text"


Show the information of the input video file. such as "TVCC -f C:\test.mp4 -i"


input slideshow pictures by text file mode, such as: "-fsv C:\picturce.txt"


input slideshow background music by text file mode, such as: "-fsa C:\aduio.txt"


picture in picture file,such as: "-pip c:\pip.xml"

-pip ?

show file format of picture in picture file


output file, such as: "-o C:\output.flv"


Output settings using ini filename, such as: "-pi flv.ini", it is optional


Output settings using profile name in ini file , such as: "-pn Flash video normal quality".
it must be matched with "-pi"


encoding file start time, Format hh:mm:ss.0.1s  such as: -tf 00:02:53


encoding file duration, Format hh:mm:ss.0.1s, such as: -tf 01:0:0


Open file with system directX


Auto open file with system directX


 Usage: -vfilter plugin-type -f <plugin-files> [plugin-options]





-vfilter "subtile -f<subtile-files>"



supported subtitle file type: srt, sub, ssa, smi, psb,txt, idx, usf, xss, etc.
note: subtitle file name must be contained with"< >"


-vfilter "subtile -f<C:\subtile.srt>"



-vfilter "watermark -f<watermark-files>"



the input watermark file, supported formats: jpg, png, gif


X-axis of the watermark showed on the movie


Y-axis of the watermark showed on the movie


the duration of watermark show


the interval of watermark show


the transparency of watermark, the range is(0, 255)


-vfilter "watermark -f<C:\subtile.srt> -x 20 -y 20 -d 3 -i 2 -a 125"



-vfilter virtualdubplugin -f <plugin-file>



virtualdub filter file


-vfilter "virtualdubplugin -f <c:\filter.vdf>"


generate thumbnail while converting


-thumbnail "-fo <thumbnail file name> -t timepoint -s w x h"



output thumbnail file name, must be contained with"<>"


timepoint of thumbnail gererated, optional, the formats is hh:mm:ss


size of output thumbnail, optional, default is "160x120"


-thumbnail "-fo <c:\outputthumb.jpg> -t 0:5:22 -s 120x80"


input video file list(text file) such as: "-ffv c:\videofiles.txt"

video options


video file name


video file start time, the format is hh:mm:ss.0.1s


video file duration time, the format is hh:mm:ss.0.1s


the index of the transition between video file and the next video file, range is (0, 310)


transition duration time, the format is ss.0.1s


disable audio for the video


volume of the video, range is (1 - 512)


disable audio fade in


audio fade in time, the format is ss.0.1s


disable audio fade out


audio fade out time, the format is ss.0.1s


-f videofile1 -fst 2.5 -fd 0:1:20.0 -ti 200 -tt 1.4 -da -fit 2.4 -dafo
-f videofile2 -fst 0:10:36.0 -fd 45.3 -ti 10 -tt 2.0 -vol 200 -dafi -fot 1.6


input audio file list(text file) such as: "-ffa c:\audiofiles.txt"

audio options


audio file name


audio file start time in track, the format is hh:mm:ss.0.1s


audio file start time, the format is hh:mm:ss.0.1s


audio file duration time, the format is hh:mm:ss.0.1s


volume of the audio, range is (1 - 512)


disable audio fade in


audio fade in time, the format is ss.0.1s


disable audio fade out


audio fade out time, the format is ss.0.1s


-f audiofile1 -fst 0:0:2.5 -fd 0:1:20.0 -fit 2.4 -dafo
-f audiofile2 -st 0:1:20.0 -fst 0:2:14.0 -fd 57.3 -vol 200 -dafi -fot 1.6


run TVCC in server mode


get media file information, such as: "-f <c:\test.mp4> -i"


print the detail error information while converting


output audio encoder, such as: -acodec mp3


output audio bitrate, such as: -ab 128


output audio sample rate, such as: -as 44100


output audio chanel,(1,2)


volume, the range is (0, 255)


disable audio


output video encoder, such as: -vcodec xvid


output video bitrate, such as: -vb 500


output video frame rate, such as: -vf 29.97


output video size, such as: -vs 320x240


video aspect ratio, 4:3 or 16:9, such as: -aspcet 16:9


crop the left, such as: "-cropl 20", it means crop 20 pixels on the left


crop the right, such as: "-cropr 20", it means crop 20 pixels on the right


crop the top, such as: "-cropt 20", it means crop 20 pixels on the top


crop the bottom, such as: "-cropb 20", it means crop 20 pixels on the bottom


fill the left, such as: "-padl 20", it means fill 20 pixels to the left


fill the right, such as: "-padr 20", it means fill 20 pixels to the right


fill the top, such as: "-padt 20", it means fill 20 pixels to the top


fill the bottom, such as: "-padb 20", it means fill 20 pixels to the bottom


the time of each picture be showed on the slideshow, such as: "-st 2", it means every picture will durate 2 seconds when showing.


the time of slideshow effect when two pictures switch


width of slideshow, such as: "-sw 720"


height of slideshow, such as: "-sh 480"


the framerate of slide show, such as: "-sfr 20"

PIP xml file format:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?>

# BaseClipFileName: the path of the base video file

# BCStartTimeInFile: the triming start time of the base video file
# the format is hh:mm:ss.0.1s

# BCDuration: the duration of the base video file, the format is hh:mm:ss.0.1s

# BCDisableAudio: disable audio in the base video clip, if 1, yes, else no

# BCVolumn: amplification factor of the base video clip volume

# OverlayClipFileName: the path of the overlay video file

# OCStartTimeInFile: the triming start time of the overlay video file
# the format is hh:mm:ss.0.1s

# OCDuration: the duration of the overlay video file
# the format is hh:mm:ss.0.1s

# OCCropLeft: crop the overlay video clip from left

# OCCropTop: crop the overlay video clip from top

# OCCropRight: crop the overlay video clip from right

# OCCropBottom: crop the overlay video clip from bottom

# OCDisableAudio: disable audio in the overlay video clip, if 1, yes, else no

# OCVolumn: amplification factor of the overlay video clip volume

# OCOpacity: opacity of the overlay video clip, range is (0, 255)

# OCStartTime: the start time of the overlay clip, relative to the base clip
# the format is hh:mm:ss.0.1s

# OverlayLeft, OverlayTop, OverlayRight, OverlayBottom:
# position for the overlay clip, relative to the base clip

# PIPAudioMode: PIP audio mode: if 0, use audio in base clip
# else if 1, use audio in overlay clip, else if 2, use audio in both clip


The following is a few samples:


Samples 1: Create a Flash Video with default settings. Because we did not specify the ini filename and profile name, the program will encode the flv video with the default value: dimension will use the dimension of the source video.

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -f E:\TestVideo\01.mp4 -o E:\OutputFiles\target.flv

Samples 2: Create a Flash Video with specifid ini filename and profile name, and set vide size to 720x480

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -f E:\TestVideo\01.mp4 -pi flv.ini -pn "Flash video normal quality"  \
-vs 720x480 -o E:\OutputFiles\target.flv

Sample 3: Create a Flash Video, set the dimension of output video to 320x240, video bit rate to 330 Kbps, and with stereo audio.

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -f E:\TestVideo\01.mp4 -vs 320x240 -vb 330 -ac 2 \
-o E:\OutputFiles\target.flv

Sample 4: combile two media files with default settings.

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -f E:\TestVideo\01.mp4 -f E:\TestVideo\01.rmvb \
-o E:\OutputFiles\combine.flv

Sample 5: combile two or more media files into one file by text file (the text file contains media file name list), with default settings.

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -ff E:\combine.txt -o E:\OutputFiles\combine.flv

Sample 6: Create slideshow by input picture list file(a text file contains picture file path list) and input music list file(a text file contains music file path list), with default settings.

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -fsv E:\pictrue.txt -fsa E:\music.txt -o E:\OutputFiles\combine.flv

Sample 7: Create slideshow from input picture list file(a text file contains picture file path list), input music list file(a text file contains music file path list), and set slideshow dimension to 320x240, set the time per picture showed as 5 seconds , set pictrues switch time as 2 seconds.

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -fsv E:\pictrue.txt -fsa E:\music.txt -spt 5 -set 2 \
-o E:\OutputFiles\slideshow.flv

Sample 8: Create a flash video and add a subtitle to the video.

Note:the filter content must be surrounded by quote marks and the subtitle file must be contained by "< >" marks.

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -f E:\test.mp4 -vfilter "subtitle -f <E:\TestVideo\srttest.srt>" \
-o E:\OutputFiles\mp4subtile.flv

Sample 9: Create a flash video and merge a gif picture to the video as watermark. and set the watermark X-axis to 20, Y-axis to 20, duration to 3 seconds, interval to 2 seconds, transpency to 125.

Note:the filter content must be surrounded by quote marks and the watermark file name must be contained by "< >" marks.

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -f E:\test.mp4 -vfilter "watermark -f <E:\watermark.gif> -x 20 -y 20 \
-d 3 -i 2 -a 125" -o E:\OutputFiles\mp4watermark.flv

Sample 10: Create a flash video and generate a thumbnail at 0:1:25, the thumbnail dimension is 160x120

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -f E:\test.mp4 -thumbnail "-fo <E:\outputthumb.jpg> -t 0:1:25 \
-s 160x120" -o E:\OutputFiles\mp4watermark.flv

Note:the thumbnail option content must be surrounded by quote marks and the output thumbnail file must be contained by "< >" marks.

Sample 11: Create a flash video form a list of video files and audio files.

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -ffv E:\videofiles.txt -ffa audiofiles.txt -o E:\OutputFiles\combine.flv

the following is the content of the video list file:

  -f videofile1 -fst 2.5 -fd 0:1:20.0 -ti 200 -tt 1.4 -da -fit 2.4 -dafo
  -f videofile2 -fst 0:10:36.0 -fd 45.3 -ti 10 -tt 2.0 -vol 200 -dafi -fot 1.6

Note:Each line in the video list file is the command line parameters for one video file

the following is the content of the audio list file:

  -f audiofile1 -fst 0:0:2.5 -fd 0:1:20.0 -fit 2.4 -dafo
  -f audiofile2 -st 0:1:20.0 -fst 0:2:14.0 -fd 57.3 -vol 200 -dafi -fot 1.6

Note:Each line in the audio list file is the command line parameters for one audio file

Sample 12: Create a PIP video form a xml file.

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -pip E:\pipvideo.xml -o E:\OutputFiles\output.flv

the following is the content of the file pipvideo.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?>

The Output and Exit Code of the Program

When you run the program from the Windows console or execute it in another application, the program will print certain information to the pipe STDOUT. You can catch the pipe STDOUT in your application to get desired information from the program at run-time.


If the input video file is a valid video file and can be encoded, the program will print the following information to the pipe STDOUT in turn:

  • File Name

  • Format

  • Duration

  • Start Time

  • Bit rate

  • Video Information

  • Audio Information

  • Conversion Progress

The following is an example:

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -f E:\TestVideo\1.mp4 -o test.flv

File Name: 1.mp4
Format: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2
Duration: 00:00:11.6
Start Time: 0.000 s
Bit rate: 2179 kbit/s

Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 640x480 [PAR 1:1 DAR 4:3]
Audio: libfaad, 48000 Hz, stereo
Data: mp4s / 0x7334706D
Data: mp4s / 0x7334706D

Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 640x480 [PAR 1:1 DAR 4:3]Audio: libfaad, 48000 Hz, \
stereoData: mp4s 0x7334706DData: mp4s / 0x7334706D

  • File Name: Print input media file name.

  • Format: Print the format of the input media file.

  • Duration: Print the length of the input video, The format is hh:mm:ss.0.1s.

  • Start Time: Print the video start time point.

  • Video: Print the Video Codec Name, PIX FMT, Video Dimension

  • Audio: Print the Audio Codec Name, Audio Sample Rate, Audio Channels

  • Percent: Print the size of converted and print the conversion progress in percent periodically. The percent of 100% means the conversion is accomplished and the program has terminated automatically.

If the input video file is not a valid video file, or the file can not be encoded correctly, the program will print one line of error message to the STDOUT and then terminate. The error message starts with the text by a description of the error reason. For example, when you type the following command in the console (assume "test.mpg" does not exist):

C:\E.M. TVCC>TVCC -f test.mp4 -o test.flv

open the input file test.mp4 error

Could not find input stream matching output stream #0.0

Failed while converting

Exit Code

The program may exit with the following exit codes. You can check the exit code to know if the conversion is finished successfully or not.

Exit Code



Conversion is finished successfully.


Conversion failed.


The 15-day trial version of the program has expired.

How to register Total Video Command Line Version

If you want to purchase Total Video Converter Command Line Version, you can visit  https://www.effectmatrix.com/contact.htm to order the full version of Total Video Converter Command line.

Total Video Converter supports reading the following file formats:

Video Formats:

Convert from Real Video Rmvb (.rm,.rmvb)
Convert from MPEG4 (.mp4)
Convert from 3gp (.3gp, 3g2)
Convert from Game Psp (.psp)
Convert from MPEG1 (.mpg, mpeg)
Convert from MPEG2 PS (.mpg, mpeg, vob)
Convert from MPEG2 TS (DVB Transport Stream)
Convert from DIVX (.divx)
Convert from Ms ASF (.asf, .wmv)
Convert from Ms ASF (.asf, .wmv)
Convert from Ms AVI (.avi)
Convert from Macromedia Flash video FLV (.flv)
Convert from Apple Quicktime (.mov)
Convert from FLIC format (.fli, .flc)
Convert from Gif Animation (.gif)
Convert from DV (.dv)
Convert from Matroska (.mkv)
Convert from ogm (.ogm)
Convert from Video Formats Dx9 Directshow can open

Audio Formats:

Convert from CD audio (.cda)
Convert from MPEG audio (.mp3, mp2)
Convert from Ms WAV (.wav)
Convert from Ms WMA (.wma)
Convert from Real Audio (.ra)
Convert from OGG (.ogg)
Convert from Amr audio (.amr)
Convert from AC3 (.ac3)
Convert from SUN AU format (.au)
Convert from Macromedia Flash embedded audio (.swf)
Convert from Audio Formats Dx9 Directshow can open

Total Video Converter Command Line supports generating the following file formats:

Video Formats:

Convert to MPEG4(.mp4)
Convert to 3gp(.3gp, 3g2)
Convert to Game Psp (.psp)
Convert to MPEG1 (.mpg, mpeg)
Convert to NTSC, PAL DVD mpeg and Burn to DVD disc
Convert to NTSC, PAL SVCD mpeg and Burn to SVCD disc
Convert to NTSC, PAL VCD mpeg and Burn to VCD disc
Convert to Ms Mpeg4 AVI (.avi)
Convert to Divx AVI (.avi)
Convert to Xvid AVI (.avi)
Convert to H264 AVI (.avi)
Convert to Mjpeg AVI (.avi)
Convert to HuffYUV AVI (.avi)
Convert to Swf Video (.swf)
Convert to Flv Video (.flv)
Convert to Gif Animation (.gif)
Convert to Mpeg4 Mov (.mov)
Convert to Apple Quicktime (.mov)
Convert to DV (.dv)
Convert to WMV (.wmv)
Convert to HD Mpeg TS (.ts)
Convert to ASF (.asf)

Audio Formats:

Convert to MPEG audio(.mp3, mp2)
Convert to Ms WAV (.wav)
Convert to Ms WMA (.wma)
Convert to OGG (.ogg)
Convert to Amr audio (.amr)
Convert to AC3 (.ac3)
Convert to SUN AU format (.au)
Convert to m4a (mp4 audio)
Convert to aac (aac audio)
Convert to mmf (mmf audio)
Convert to Flac (flac audio)

We are happy to help you with any technical problems you may encounter with our software. However, we can't help you with certain issues such as information on how to program, or any other issues not related directly to the workings of our software.

Contact Information
    EffectMatrix Web site: https://www.effectmatrix.com
    Technical support e-mail: emtvcc@gmail.com


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