TOTAL VIDEO CONVERTER trademark is registered with the USPTO.
Be attention that all " xxx Total Video Converter " except for (E.M.) Total Video Converter and eTinySoft Total Video Converter are illegal. Those FAKE "xxx Total Video Converter" softwares are much difference from Total Video Converter on the aspect of quality and function. It was not only infringing on our company's right but also cheated users.
Total Video Converter was developed by EffectMatrix Ltd and was used as software name since 2005 . With years of continued efforts and dedication by EffectMatrix Ltd, Total Video Converter became a globally recognized brand started from 2006. Refer to for more acknowledgement.
Some companies or persons pirated the brand and gave their stoftware similar name "xxx Total Video Converter" which serious misled users. EffectMatrix Ltd has a good faith belief that the development and use of the "xxx Total Video Converter" was not authorized by EffectMatrix Ltd.
Total Video Converter was protected by US laws and any kind of duplication or reproduction is illegal.
We here raised a critical warning to those illegal xxx TVC sellers that, STOP duplicating Total Video Converter immediately. And remove all Total Video Converter content and software. Otherwise, legal action will be took to protect EffectMatrix's band and we will claim for our loss at the appropriate time. Please get ready to be sued for damages.
According to <Intellectual Property Protection for Computer Software>:
Copyrights in Detail The copyright laws are found in Title 17 of the United States Code, which is based on the Constitutional power of Congress "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors...the exclusive Right to their... Writings...."[4, part 2] In this context, copyright law doesn't protect ideas, only the ways in which they are expressed. The 1909 Copyright Act was inadequate for addressing computer software, yet the Copyright Office chose to accept computer programs as literary works beginning in 1964 [6, p. 35] The present Copyright Act was passed in 1976 and became effective January 1, 1978. The question of copyrightability of software programs was temporarily put off, to be settled by the National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works. This finally led to the Computer Software Copyright Act of 1980, amending the 1976 law so it explicitly applies to computer programs. [6, p.35]
If a software program was originally created by the author and not copied from someone else, and it is stable enough to be stored in any way, then it was automatically protected by copyright law since the moment of its creation.
Total Video Converter (TVC) selling list in 2005 ( sold through DR Regsoft )
Internet records for Total Video Converter in 2005: is a site that archives all websites over the internet. This is a proof of a site's history. Our website with its existing content has been archived by since Oct.24.05.
Please refer the link below:

V2.1 Date Added : 05-08-2005

Date Added : 8/3/2005

v2.23 2005-09-09

v2.41 Date Added: 2005-10-25


Total Video Converter by EffectMatrix Update Logs:
V2.21 08/10/2005 More compatible for Directshow
V2.22 08/15/2005 Enhance Gif output( gif loop, error diffusion)
V2.23 08/25/2005 Auto check the new task, Directshow try catch and Unregistered stamp
V2.30 09/10/2005 MMX,SSE Optimized, Background conversion
V2.31 09/14/2005 Solve xvid codec conversion only YUV420
V2.32 09/16/2005 Directshow supports BGR24, BGRA32 pixel formats
V2.33 09/19/2005 Directshow supports mov,qt formats
V2.34 09/22/2005 Supports FLV Nelly Mosser decoder
V2.35 10/06/2005 Correct Nelly Mosser FLV audio length
V2.36 10/07/2005 Default 3GP settings same as Nokia Multimedia Converter Pro for cellphone
V2.37 10/08/2005 Remove the bug of sound noise for dx directshow
V2.38 10/15/2005 Set default PSP Mpeg4 Settings
V2.39 10/17/2005 Set default iPod Mpeg4 Settings
V2.40 10/20/2005 Audio bit rate could be set to float number
V2.41 10/25/2005 Resize option supports SQCIF
V2.42 10/27/2005 Supports qt directshow through quicktime(Add registry for qt,mov,3gp,3g2,mp4 for directshow)
V2.50 11/18/2005
1 Rip DVD auto and correct bugs for dvd ripping
2 Correct importing mp4 file format
3 Auto crop for PSP
4 AVC/H264 mpeg4 export
5 iPod video export(mpeg4/avc)
6 Export options for NOKIA cellphone's video
V2.51 11/25/2005Supports AAC audio format exporting and importing Bug: Remove mov,mp4,3gp importing bug, seek to zero bug....
V2.52 11/27/2005 Add Mov format for iPod Video
V2.60 03/25/2006 1 Support using with command line(pro version)
2 Save and save as output settings
3 Combine several vide and audio files to one video file
4 Demultiplex or extract video and audio
5 Multiplex video and audio to one file
6 Rip audio CD automatically
7 Output mmf, mp2 audio
8 Automatically split VCD,SVCD,DVD mpeg
V2.601 03/25/2006 Remove the bug of reading vcd
V3.10 New Features:
1 Photos slide show Photos slide show turns your photos into slideshows and music with more than 300 photos special transition effect that help you easily make amazing picture-in-picture entertaining photo slideshows.Then output your video to disc, the Internet, iPod, PSP, Smartphones, PDAs and other mobile devices or even burns it to standard DVD players. Copy-saving & Watching & sharing your slideshows anywhere anytime.
2 Importing lots of subtitle file formats, including .srt . sub .ssa .ass .smi .psb .tex .idx etc;
3 Importing WINAMP plugins audio
4 Supports generating ASF,WMV (for ZUNE,XBOX360),WMA video and audio formats;
5 Supports generating Sony Ericsson mobile video formats;
6 Unique feature: Supports generating some kinds of digital camera formats,such as KODAK DC, Samsung L55W, Casio Z600;
7 Supports generating MPEG TS stream subtitle files formats ;
V3.11 New Features:
1 Add a tool Total Flv Sniffer for automatically downloading flv
2 New method for video and audio syncing.
3 Solve the problem no audio for ripping DVD in some condition.
4 Solve the DVD subtitle problem while ripping CIF format DVD
5 Flv seek accurately
6 Enhance importing OGM format compatibility
7 Enhance importing RMVB,RM format compatibility
V3.12 New Features:
1 Brand-new GUI
2 The file size can be more than 4G Bytes
3 Support DIVX 50 with codec
4 Support Nellymoser codec audio codec for flv format video
5 Brand-new GUI for picture slide show
V3.14 New Features:
1 Auto dectect interlaced video such as TS, M2TS, MTS, MKV and other lots of High-Def videos, and auto deinterlace while making conversion.
2 Support AVCHD M2TS, AVCHD MTS video importing;
3 Support outputting H264 flv;
4 Outputting new video format for high quality GIF animation, BlackBerry Cell phone, MP3 AMV Video;
5 Auto copy converted video to PSP, iTunes for iPod and iPhone;
6 The function of combing several video files to one is more stable.
3.20 New Features:
1 Multi-language GUI.
2 Integrate a free tool for capturing desktop to any formats video.
3 Support mpeg, h264, wmv multi-thread decoding and endcoding for Multi-core CPU;
4 Support watermark through Plugin while making conversion;
5 Support VirtualDub video filter plugin;
V3.50 New Features:
1 Convert and burn video to AVCHD which can work on PS3 and Blu-ray player. What's more, the HD videos of AVCHD (*.mts, *.m2ts, *.ts) can been converted to any other video formats.
2 Convert video to HD formats like H.264 TS, Mpeg-2 TS, WMV-HD, MKV-HD, DivX-HD, Xvid-HD, MOV-HD, FLA-HD and MP4-HD
3 Convert and burn WMV-HD video to DVD. Meanwhile, it can work on XBOX360.
4 Convert and burn common video to DivX-DVD. More importantly, it can work on DVD player with DivX capability.
5 Integrate a free tool for capturing game video.
V3.70 New Features:
1 Add a simple video editor which supports cutting and merging videos which are accurate to frame.
2 Flash video download supports Windows 7.
3 Flash video download supports MP4 download.
4 Add a new engine supporting Mts, M2TS, avi, rm video format.
5 Support 16k samples per second Nelly Moser audio.
V3.71 New Features (updated version):
1. Integrate into Windows Explorer with context menu.
2. Add a brand new Skin.
3. Fully support Windows 7.